2012 Transform Now Webinar
(22 Jan 2012) In this evening webinar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the scientific truth behind the planetary changes of 2012. Amid the myth and rumor surrounding this mystical calendar event lies the understanding that 2012 constitutes a significant gateway for the planet's destiny. Paramahamsa explains the process clearly. The gravitational field of the earth is decreasing in tiny increments, not sufficiently to disrupt material surroundings but enough to affect our thoughts, which are more subtle. Since our thoughts have weight, they are sensitive to the lessening of gravity. We will experience an unaccustomed spaciousness within ourselves as the number of our thoughts spontaneously drops. This shift can lead us either into deepening of our inner awareness, or into depression if we insist on focusing on outward "busy-ness". The shift is compulsory -- the choice in how to respond is our option! Paramahamsa addresses positive ways to meet this change and reassures us that it is an evolutionary milestone, raising us to an expanded perception of life.