Be Your Own Boss! Develop the Right Cognition to Live a Truly Rich Life as You Want
This discourse was delivered by Nithyananda on 1st April, 2017, as Day 1 of the intense two day transformational program called Be Your Own Boss, expands beautifully on how to live a rich life and manifest everything you want by changing your cognition about self and wealth. Neither your ideas about being your own boss are right, nor are they wrong. Whatever ideas about being your own boss aremake you joyful also empower you! If you choose to be your own boss because being a worker is too hard, it will lead to being a poor man's idea of a rich man. Feeling empowered matters! When you choose out of empowerment, you will make yourself a success. In this video, Nithyananda explains how: Cognitions create your reality. Understanding what you want is the foundation, it's a basic necessity. Your cognitions are created by your understandings. If you don't have what you want in life now, look in and see: what do you want? If you don't have the clarity about what you want, you will not be able to manifest it. Swamiji explains that a poor man's idea about being a rich man is not the same as a rich man's life. Poor man will think a rich man lives only for owning possessions or taking time off, while a truly rich man lives for Experiences, with Responsibility. A poor man who becomes rich will always live in fear of losing the wealth, and greed for more. The same way, a man who is free will enjoy life much more deeply than the imagined life of a free man by a slave. Being your own boss means living the life of a rich man's idea about being a rich man; a leader's idea about being a leader.