Love The Door To Divine || Part 4 || 03 February 2004
Discourse On- Love The Door To Divine- Part-4 Venue : San Jose Fremont, USA Date : 03 February 2004 In this Video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains, whenever your emotions reach a peak they flower as Bliss and #Love which opens the door to the #Divine . Human beings have a total misunderstanding about the body and its connection to Love, Emotion, Mind and Being. Actually none of us Love ourselves. Body is natural, the mind is societal conditioning. We do whatever we want and finally blame our body for the joy it experiences when the physical desire is fulfilled. We destroy our body with blame and shame instead of allowing our being to blossom into Divine Bliss. In this way we allow our societal conditioning to hijack our natural progress on the path to enlightenment.