Master Your Thought Current
In today's Nithya Satsang (25 Feburary 2016), Parmahamsa Nithyananda continues to expand on the introduction of Kenopanishad, the second of the primary Upanishads. Upanishads are to enjoyed like the sweetness of sugarcane. Upanishads enrich us to master our thought current, which becomes our cognition. Drawing a parallel between the Vedic education system and the English (Macualay's) education system — He reveals that the Vedic education is all about mastering a thought current, where the exams are not done as per the question, answer method. A student is prepared by making him speak on a specific thought current, to verify if he/she can spontaneosuly express that idea; whereas the English education, forces you to memorise information. "Change of thought current, transformation of thought current is the success of education; not memorizing information.", He asserts, thus, the glory of Vedic education.