Nithyananda reveals a new vision for Hinduism
In today's (25th May, 2014) morning satsang of Paramahamsa Nithyananda from Varanasi Paramahamsa Nithyananda spoke about knowledge transferring mechanisms and methodologies. He urged all ashrams to start collecting books from today for their libraries, which are to be Grandha Samadhis in which the books are worshiped with flower offerings and incense and camphor aarthi. He then told about his vision of the Sarvanja Peetha where many pundits and swamis sit and answer all questions from the Vedic Scriptures with this service being provided free of charge. Tags-Varanasi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, knowledge transferring mechanisms and methodologies, libraries, Grandha Samadhis, worshiped, Sarvanja Peetha, Vedic Scriptures. TRANSCRIPTS:- It is very unfortunate that Hindus spend so much money on building temples, but we don't spend even pennies on building libraries, because we don't care about knowledge. This is also one reason why we have become weak. The reason why we have been weakened is we spend so much money on building temples. And no community spends so much money on building temples. Please understand, no religious worship centres are so elaborate! Especially the money South Indians spend on temples....God! Of course, in the north also people spend on temples, but in the South it is too much. Even all over the world, you need to know, only in the U.S., the Hindu temple-building is a six billion dollar industry! Hindu temple-building is six billion dollar industry, please understand! For the small population, less than one percent population in U.S., the amount of money we spend on temple-building! Because it is our lifestyle. But, unfortunately we don't spend on building a library. You will be shocked, we have such large volume of temples, but we don't have in one place the data, even the data available about all the temples and all the services they are offering. It is our job to build beautiful libraries, and the knowledge transferring methodologies and mechanisms, please understand, knowledge transferring methodologies and mechanisms. Not only library, but also making the library user-friendly, useful to people, where people can really, really get involved, know more about it, making it more visually presenting. Please understand, human-beings have started learning visually now almost all learning processes.... I am launching this project today formally. At least ten-thousand concepts of Hinduism like Birth, Life, God, Death, Karma, Listening, Intranalyzing, at least ten-thousand concepts of Hinduism and the spiritual masters, religious leaders, various philosophies should be visually presented with examples like a slide show or animated version, and it should be made freely available in the Internet for the whole world to receive knowledge about Hinduism, and the true Hindu preachers, activists, should be trained through these visual presentations, and the people who live Hinduism authentically should be inspired to live it, and the people who are new to Hinduism, we should introduce Hinduism to them. The people who are new -- introducing; people who are living -- making more authentic; people who are living authentically -- making them as enrichers, preachers, activists; with this aim we should develop a visual encyclopaedia of Hinduism. Just in ten minutes we can beautifully make people understand the concept of Karma in a very powerful, logical, presentable way. Same way, in ten minutes we can make a person understand what Hinduism holds as a secret about Birth, the concept of Death, why we make decisions the way we make, why we live the way we live, what is Cognition, all these great tools of Hinduism can be beautifully presented just in five minutes, ten minutes video clip visually. It was my vision for a long time to start this project. I know all my Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars are alreadynoverloaded, and too much is in their plate, but I am reciting my mission. It is my responsibility. See, Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Goswami, when Prabhupada lived, many visions he revealed didn't become reality. He said the world's largest building should be a Krishna temple. But now ISKCON is making it as a reality. They are building a temple which will be seen from the moon! They are building a structure which will be seen from the moon! Please understand, as on now, only the Great Wall of China is seen from the moon. This will be the second building seen from the moon. When Prabhupada revealed, they could not make it happen. But because he revealed, at least now it has become reality. So, I am revealing it, it is my job. We should have a beautiful, educating, inspiring, informing, visual encyclopaedia of Hinduism