Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 366 Lakhs celebrate HDH & Energized Deities (Kodikan Yatra, Sept2006)
Lakhs celebrate HDH & energized deities of Paramashiva & Parashakti (Kodikan Ratha Yatra, Sept 2006) 24 Sep 2006 witnessed a historic procession of the deities of Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and His Divine Consort Goddess Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti at Tiruvannamalai by His Divine Holiness Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. In This Video we are blessed to witness the sacred abhishekam (ritualistic bath) being offered by Swamiji Himself to the deities. Abhishekam in Sanskrit means "bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered." Here Swamiji is offering Abhishekam to the deities all night – and then a few hours later was the grand procession. As a continuation of the yatra that started a few months earlier in Kanyakumari, the deities were flagged off in a Ratha Yatra (chariot procession) by His Divine Holiness, amidst a grand celebration and on Girivalam, circumambulation of the sacred Arunachala hill. This yatra was a grand happening where the deities were led through the streets of Tamilnadu and parts of Karnataka, blessing the subjects for Enlightenment and bringing them abundance in health, wealth and all prosperity. The deities are made of the traditional 5-metal composition called Panchaloha. They are 7 feet tall (2.1m) and 5 tonnes (11,000 pounds) total in weight and have been energized by His Divine Holiness per the mystical and powerful science of Prana Pratistha (installing divine energies in deities carved as revealed in Hindu scriptures) The deities were then consecrated in the sanctum sanctorum of Adi Peetham, the spiritual seat in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Swamiji was personally involved in every detail involved in this huge undertaking of casting these solid 5-metal (panchadhatu) deities. He personally went home to home where devotees offered pada puja and also contributed some old unused copper or brass metal they had in form of containers or vessels. Swamiji collected over 6 tons of the metal needed – a few Kgs at a time! With a lot of hard ground work, 1 Kg of gold (2.2 pounds), 25 Kgs (55 pounds) of silver and 6000 Kgs (13,200 pounds) of the 5 metals were collected through Madhukari Bhiksha. The term is named after honeybees who collect small amounts of honey by going flower to flower – while ensuring the flowers don’t feel they have lost or given up too much. Along with collecting the material in this form, Swamiji spent a year traveling between Bidadi and Kumbhakonam as it was in Kumbhakonam where the sthapati (artisan to mould the deities) was working with a team to mould the deities. Swamiji helped design the wax mould in every detail to ensure the very best deities were formed completely as per the Agamas (Ancient Hindu Texts that provide precise details of various aspects of life including the relative dimensions of deities). Kodikan Yatra is the tradition in Hinduism takes on procession powerful deities to bless millions (koti on the local languages) to be showered with blessings as they gaze at them with their physical eyes (kan). The deities were on tour in various cities in southern India blessing crores (tens of millions) of people and visiting multiple temples, including the Arunachaleshwara temple in Tiruvannamalai. In all cities and especially in Tiruvannamalai lakhs and lakhs of people gathered to catch a glimpse of and receive blessings of His Divine Holiness Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam and the deities. KAILASA is a nation created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries. Though the KAILASA movement is founded in the United States, and spearheaded by members of the Hindu Adi Shaivite minority community, it is created for, and offers a safe haven to all the world’s practicing, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed, where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence.