Wakeup to the God Particle in you - open up your peak possibility and supernatural powers
In today's Satsang (4th Nov 2015), Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on NITHYANANDOHAM, the power and possiblity to awaken your God-particle. He describes what is muscle-memory, bio-memory and bio-energy. Awakening the bio-memory awakens the multiple possiblities in us. In the biomemory, we carry the cognitions about us, world, which when completed, our powers are awakened. In the upcoming Nithyanandoham program in December 2015, He is going to awaken the very bio-memory and bio-energy of participants. Only an Avatar (incarnation) can awaken these supernatural powers in others by the very silence and unclutching (disassociating from thoughts). "If you want to experience the Leela of Mahadeva - what he does with the power of silence and unclutching: Nithyanandoham Chalo".