Your Desires Can Be Fulfilled || Day 1 || Session 3 || NSP || Mental Body || 14 February 2004 ||

about 3 years ago


Name of the Program : Nithyananda Spurana Program ( NSP ) Venue : Fremont, CA, USA Date : 14-February-2004 This video is an excerpt taken from the third session of the very first #Nithyananda Spurana program (NSP) conducted by HDH. Here you can watch him talking about unconscious desires and and #conscious #desires and how unconscious desires never gets fulfilled, but keeps erupting in our mind never able to guide us on how to fulfil it. However conscious desires by its own power shows us the way to fulfil it. When unconscious desires are brought into the light of Consciousness they automatically get fulfilled or they just drop off. HDH guides everyone through a writing exercise helping everyone to bring out all the unconscious desires to the light of consciousness. In this video you can also watch HDH guiding everyone through a meditation technique to heal the Prana Shareera or mental body

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